JUN KANEKO exhibition
震災後、 度重なる余震と日増しに募る原発への不安の中では小さな芸術は無 力でした。
そんな気持ちを持ちつつ、日が経ち、 少しずつ絵を描けるようになったことで、 だんだんと前を向くことが出来るようになった自分に気が付きまし た。
もしかすると神に祈りを捧げ、 心に平穏を得ることに似ているのかもしれません。
自分にとって、描くことが祈ることであることに気が付き、 復興への願いも込めて今回の開催に踏み切りました。
そうやって描いた新作を含めたJUN KANEKOの悲しく温かなモノクロの世界をCOMMONにて表 現いたしますので、ぜひ足をお運び下さい。
加えて、 この開催が微力ながらも地元福島の復興の一つとなれば幸いです。
When the Tohoku Earthquake hit Fukushima city on the 11th of March 2011,
my base of operation was severely damaged and now due to the
continued threat from the nuclear power station we are all still in aserious situation.
After the earthquake disaster, continual aftershocks and growing
fears of the radiation, I was leftfeeling that my art was helpless.
Although I felt such feelings, days passed and I began to slowly draw again. I have realized that drawing pictures causes me to think positively little by little.
It might be similar to getting peace by praying to God.
The realization of the fact that "my drawing is my prayer" made
me decide to hold this exhibition with my hope for reconstruction.
Please come and see my exhibition JUN KANEKO's white and black world at the gallery COMMON. My new work is sad but also warm and includes my hopes.
I hope this small exhibition will be one of the parts that helps reconstruct my home town, Fukushima.
my base of operation was severely damaged and now due to the
continued threat from the nuclear power station we are all still in aserious situation.
After the earthquake disaster, continual aftershocks and growing
fears of the radiation, I was leftfeeling that my art was helpless.
Although I felt such feelings, days passed and I began to slowly draw again. I have realized that drawing pictures causes me to think positively little by little.
It might be similar to getting peace by praying to God.
The realization of the fact that "my drawing is my prayer" made
me decide to hold this exhibition with my hope for reconstruction.
Please come and see my exhibition JUN KANEKO's white and black world at the gallery COMMON. My new work is sad but also warm and includes my hopes.
I hope this small exhibition will be one of the parts that helps reconstruct my home town, Fukushima.
Reception party
7/8 19:00〜
拘束された顔や身体、切り取られた目や唇、 鳥かごやシャーレに閉じ込められた作品達・・・。 一見すると死を感じる彼の作品には、そうした悲愴感は一切なく、 むしろ温かくいきいきとした生のエネルギーを感じることができる 。
時間と水から成る黒を使い、 自ら作ったルールと計算された偶然性から生まれた不自由な作品は 、見るものの感性に限りない自由を与えてくれる。 そしてその広がりこそが彼の続ける実験の成果と言えるだろう。
The peace which was bound in the face and body, cropped eyes and rips, shut in a birdcage and laboratory dishes…At first glance the pieces seems death, but no such sense of pathos, we can feel just beaming life energy and rather warm.
Lame pieces born from his own roles and calculated contingency made the black consist of time and water use, and give us a limitless freedom to the sensibility of what you see. And probably the result of the experiment for freedom expanse that is his continues experimental work.
In the 2009-2010, his works are highly regarded 3cities around the world as a member of SHINGANIST organized by Mr. USUGROW.
In same year on May, it was elect to 12Emerging Artist.
one sync ep
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